This months blog post comes from a dear friend Tracey McDonough, MSW, LMT - I am honored to share her expertise, her knowledge and her passion for being of service to those in our community. Read below to learn more about her and Healing Moments.


By: Tracy McDonough of Healing Moments

Destress and boost your immune system during this critical time in our “healing playroom”

Where can you go to find a mixture of science based holistic healing modalities and a reprieve from the overwhelm and anxiety upon us, where love and compassion is the service and it is delivered through enjoyable and relaxing modalities bringing ease, peace and alignment. There is not a better time for us to begin to participate in regular self-care rituals. These times have shown us that a strong immune system, a strong mind and a strong sense of peace and gratitude for our amazing life and all life on this planet are critical for our healthy survival.

I have spent 25 years doing healing work in the space of clinical social work, massage therapy, energy healing and vibrational therapy. With the experience of over 5000 clients, some were holocaust survivors and many elderly, some were homeless children in Covenant House, some were children in Palm Beach County schools where I did clinical groups, and some were during my 10 years with plastic surgeons doing post op work for aesthetic surgeries and cancer reconstruction surgeries. I have also had my own health challenges and healing journey from cancer. One thing became very clear to me and that is, in order to truly heal the whole (holistic) human, we must combine mind, body and spirit modalities and offer them in combination for real impact.

As a cancer survivor and an owner of a holistic wellness center, it is my passion to find more natural healing modalities to assist clients in reducing stress and anxiety and preventing dis-ease in the body. We have access to so many nature given healing modalities that can facilitate deep and true healing on every plane, physical, psychological, emotional and energetic. I have personally witnessed many spontaneous healings occur when people start to correct their diet, add nature walks and yoga to their daily activities, spend more time with people they love doing things they love and actually enjoying life with less stress and ultimately less disease causing inflammation. Allopathic medicine is very invasive, even if it is just a pill, however, yes sometimes necessary. We are a quick fix and instant gratification nation and are skeptical when things do not immediately change our condition. However, symptoms are just indicators of a dis-ease state and treating the symptoms does not always erase the cause. What if we tried some natural non-invasive techniques first and found out that not only did they correct our symptoms but actually allowed our body to be put into a position to heal itself with no negative side effects but many positive ones? We do, but the body has a process, usually it takes years to develop dis-ease and it takes patience and love to give it a chance to correct when given the right tools.

"The healing begins when you walk in the door..."

My personal experiences and knowledge from investigating these kinds of services for myself and my clients is what led me to open Healing Moments, Holistic Spa Boutique. It is a sanctuary boutique healing center in east Boca. A place to rest, breathe, heal and do it with fun, low cost, nature given modalities. The healing begins when you walk in the door of this “healing playroom.” Upon entering you will be sprayed with a house clearing spray made with organic essential oils such as frankincense, sage and lavender that effect the nervous system in a positive way. There is a salt tower with 160 pounds of Himalayan salt with an infrared light which heats to 175 degress activating the salt for an anti-viral, anti-bacterial beautiful and calming atmosphere. There is frankincense in the paint, a grid under the floor and every hand who participated in the building of this center was someone that loved me, so you are surrounded by love frequencies. There is salt throughout, artwork infused with high frequency intention and love, water flowing through a lighted fountain and an overall sense of well-being, peace and safety is felt by all. We have air purifiers and Thieves anti-bacterial in the rooms and our sessions are by appointment only ensuring low traffic, time for sanitizing procedures and personalized attention. Our service is love and compassion delivered through personalized combinations of bodywork, energy healing, vibroacoustic sound therapy, health coaching, detoxing through lymphatic drainage, massage and infrared sauna and more….

Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy is amazing to help the mind and body maneuver through brain wave states and fall into a deeper relaxation brain waves such as alpha or delta. It is peaceful and enjoyable and a clinically proven treatment for stress, anxiety, pain and when used with frequency infused music (for stress, anxiety, depression, colds and virus’, hormones, anger, pain) produces powerful results in a short period of time. Children are especially open to this modality, they love the experience of the vibration, the music is soothing and it helps them to destress, focus and relax. Using sound and vibration has been around since the pyramids were built in 2500 BC. Mantras are vibroacoustic therapy and so is modern ultrasound therapy.

Full spectrum infrared sauna provides soothing warm sun waves to relax, detoxify, improve heart health, lose weight or enjoy anti-aging benefits. Fat cells are heated and open to release the toxins they store through sweating. Ionized mineralized shower is available for afterwards to remove sweat and toxins to keep from reabsorbing them.

With the stress of the threat to our health, home schooling and juggling schedules these days, we are focusing on helping parents and children destress and reduce anxiety and inflammation to stay calm and healthy during these challenging times. Children can be on the sound bed and Mom can go into the sauna using a custom program such as Relaxation, have a 30 min massage or a lymphatic drainage session to improve immune system function.

Massage therapy helps to destress and provides many health benefits including detoxification, muscle health, increased circulation, and facilitates many emotional and psychological improvements. The major benefit today is reduced inflammation which in turn increases immune system efficacy. Our Signature Massage is heaven, starts as a soothing basalt stone massage for ease, peace and alignment and then your body will call in whatever it needs to balance and destress. Sometimes you will call in Reiki or Quantum Touch healing, Hot Stones or Aromatherapy, Sound Bowls or Crystals, all leaving you feeling relaxed, calm and grounded in your peace.

Physical Vascular Therapy offers a great way to increase circulation, reduce inflammation and allow your body to return to a parasympathetic state. Another short but powerful modality reasonably priced. Great for a stop in treatment to relax, rejuvenate and rebalance.

Sometimes we just need to talk things out, support, health and life coaching is available. Maybe you just sit in meditation and breathe in a peaceful quiet place. I built this “healing playroom” for you to feel comforted, loved and heard. Come and let me introduce you, I am here to be of service and now is the time you really need it, we all do.

Sending light and love your way, Tracy

Healing Moments

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