My Top 20

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As we come to the end of 2019 and make our transition into 2020, there are some things I would love to share with you. I believe that transitions are an important part of life. We travel from one place to another multiple times per day without a thought. Have you ever driven from one place to another and not remembered how you got there? We move from one pose to another in our yoga practice without even noticing those precious spaces in between. I can’t help but see the importance of these spaces happening in all of the things we are experiencing every day on and off the mat. My teacher, Seane Corn, refers to these transitions as the punctuation of our lives. On the mat, the poses are like the words in a paragraph and the transitions are like the punctuation marks. Words have more meaning with the punctuation. Our transitions are the commas, the periods, the exclamation points, parentheses and the question marks. They add a cadence and an expressiveness to everything.

So, as we wind down from 2019, here are a few things for you to consider as you look back and you look forward. I hope you will be creative, bold and courageous. Look for the truth in all situations, decisions and relationships. My wish is that we can make 2020 an opportunity to see clearly. I believe that if you are able to incorporate even a few of these ideas, then you are destined to move into 2020 with grace.

1. Access the ways in which you are using your time. Time is one of our most valuable resources, so be willing to cut out un-necessary “busy-ness” and do not over commit to parties and people out of obligation. The time is ticking as the year comes to a close and we have work to do to prepare for what is next.

2. Call and reach out to the people that mean the most to you. Make time to see them or if this is not possible, then connect via phone, text, facetime etc. and tell them how much they mean to you.

3. Re-affirm who really matters to you and consider letting go of those that no longer serve you. Some friends come in for an experience, some for a chapter and others for a lifetime. You have the power to filter and to choose who and what relationships belong in your life going forward.

4. Make a commitment to self-care. This will get you through the end of this year with a little more ease and set the tone going forward. It is the perfect way to declare that YOU matter.

5. Be more diligent about your sleep schedule. Literally block out 7-8 hours each night to be in bed. Making adjustments will have to happen gradually, but reading inspiring books, listening to soft music, or meditation could be a way to create restful time rather than TV or screen time of any kind.

6. Take a good look at your eating habits, especially with all the parties and gatherings happening. When at home or on your own make better choices so you can enjoy yourself without guilt as you join in on the celebrations.

7. With all the extra errands, shopping, parties, company visiting, make sure you do not sacrifice your your movement routine. If something gets in the way, find another time to make it up. If you miss your regular yoga class, sign in online and take one at a more accessible time or take a walk outside. The weather is amazing right now – here in Florida, you can even walk with a friend in order to keep your commitment to spend time with those special people that matter so much. There is no better time to be able to accomplish two things at once, lol. Movement is a great way to discharge excess stress from your mind, body and spirit. Keep Moving!!!

8. Check yourself when it comes to your “vices” the stress, pressure, emotions and challenges of the holiday season can push us into our bad habits without us realizing it. Take note of your screen time, binge watching, alcohol consumption, sugar, social media, shopping etc. Remember everything in moderation in order to maintain some sense of balance and steadiness as we make this transition to a new year.

9. Shopping can totally stress me out! My remedy is to buy meaningful gifts. I don’t want to give out of obligation, instead I want to show my love and gratitude for those special people in my life. Gifts are not for every person I know and not even for everyone that I love. I do my best to give when it feels good, not just in the holiday season, be thoughtful all throughout the year so there isn’t as much pressure to give now!!!

10. Something else to consider when it comes to giving. Perhaps you can create an experience, a memory or a moment of happiness for the receiver. These special moments shared together can be a great alternative to giving another “thing”. Stuff can be great, but it can also clutter their space. Unless you are sure they will want and will use the thing that you give, try thinking out of the box and offer an opportunity for them to do something either with you or even just for themselves. Things like massages, facials, theater tickets, restaurant gift certificates, yoga classes, or even a retreat can be great alternatives.

11. This is a perfect time to de-clutter. Sometimes the busier you are the messier things get. So, make time to keep things in order. Organize yourself, your space and everything else too. I mean your home, office, mind, and your schedule. This can be a process so take your time but make it a priority as you focus on what is yet to come for you in 2020.

12. I have been making time to look back and reflect. It is great to look at all the experiences, lessons, memories, opportunities, and mistakes. I know this isn’t easy, especially with all of us being busier than ever, but carve out some time for yourself to look back. Hindsight is 2020 they say, so there is no better time than now to look at last month, last year or even this past decade. We are about to start a new chapter in our lives. Let’s do it mindfully.

13. Once I have gathered my information from reflecting back, I know I need to do something with it. I do my best to decide what I need to leave behind. All the regrets, emotions, circumstances and people that no longer serve me. I am making a commitment to let go of anger and forgive. I will take the lesson and leave the story. This is very important work and I recommend that if you only choose to dabble in a few of these suggestions that you take this one seriously.

14. It is also a very important time to begin looking forward. I cannot focus all of my energy looking back. So as I let go of the past and decide what to leave behind I also have a job to do when it comes to the future. Our lives don’t happen by accident. We are responsible for what we value, what lessons we learn, what wisdom we can gather and bring forward with us. Get clear about what you take with you as you make this journey into 2020.

15. Make time for stillness, my meditation practice is most important to me when I am busy and crazy. If I cannot get in a time to sit quietly first thing in the morning, then I get out of bed a little earlier, or carve out a few moments during the day to meet myself right where I am. This is so important if we are committed to this work of making the transition mindfully. It is in your moments of stillness where you can find the time to reflect back as well as begin to look forward.

16. The stillness and the quiet moments are crucial in order to create enough space for you to have a “vision” for the future. I believe in dreaming BIG, thinking out of the box, making changes and being open to letting them unfold. I know that we all have the power to envision the life that we want for ourselves. There have been times that I have wanted more out of life and times that I needed to slow down and do less. Getting clarity about the future makes it possible to create exactly what I want or need in my life. This one could be the most fun and I recommend you don’t hold back.

17. Make a vision board. It is a ritual I do every year and it is amazing how well it works. I do not always know what will appear on my board but once I can see it the likelihood of it manifesting in my life is pretty darn strong. If we see it we can believe it, and if we believe it then it becomes possible.

18. Restore your commitment to your rituals or create new ones. These can be simple things you do every day like your bedtime routine, or how you start your day. Creating a ritual simply gives it meaning. For me I love to start the day by brushing my teeth, sitting in meditation, a long walk with my dog and a cup of tea before using any of my devices. If I start there the rest of the day is always better. You can create ritual around anything, things like morning coffee, exercise, a quick phone call to check on someone you love etc. can be very meaningful and fulfilling. Try it!

19. As I wind down my list there are two things left that are so simple and so easy if you just allow yourself to be aware. The first is to find a way every day to do something nice for another human being. Random acts of kindness can be a way of life and the impact will unfold in mysterious ways. We do not even have to know how it effects the others but instead get used to doing things simply because it is the right thing to do. This is a principle deeply rooted in yoga and its teachings and has become very meaningful to me in my life.

20. The last thing I would like to share with you as my list comes to an end is to do something everyday that makes you happy. I have had the tendency in the past to focus more on doing for others at the sacrifice of myself. I have learned that that doesn’t do anyone any good. I am not only talking about self-care, or ritual here… I mean silly little things that make you happy. I love to find a great song on the radio in the car and sing really loudly. I also love to put my feet in the sand so I make time to walk on the beach even if only for a few minutes. Think about what makes you happy and make sure to incorporate a little something into every day of your life, because you deserve it.

So, there you have it, my interpretation of how we can punctuate our lives. How we can create more meaning, more enthusiasm, more purpose, and more steadiness into our everyday lives. My hope is that as we all make this transition from one decade to another… from one year to another and actually begin to transition from one day to another and even from one pose to another we can do so mindfully. May we continue to be open to all that life has to teach us so that we may leave behind what no longer serves us and carry forth all the wisdom and lessons we have been blessed to encounter in this journey we call life. I am beyond grateful to each and everyone of you reading this message. We have all impacted each other’s lives in many different ways. You are all my teachers and I am grateful for the lessons. I am in awe of the trust you have placed in me and do not take any of it for granted. Your presence matters to me and to many others.

Here is to leaving 2019 behind us and bringing forward some serious truth, love and connection into the future for everyone in our global community. The ways in which we show up in the world everyday really do matter. Each of us matters and we all contribute the whole. Wishing you all the happiest, healthiest New Year and an opportunity to make tiny shifts or big giant ones…. it is up to you! See you at Something BIG Yoga on January 1st

Much love,

Leslie Glickman1 Comment